Spring is here! Please find our latest edition of the MD H2E newsletter HERE.
Will we see you at our April 28th event? Clean Med? Contact Carrie Flora at cflora@som.umaryland.edu to be added to our email list if you are not on it already.
Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment
Good morning and welcome to our last edition of MD H2E’s News Roundup for 2014. Inside you will read about:
If you are interested in contributing an article for the newsletter, or ‘tooting’ your hospital’s own horn on a recent initiative, please don’t hesitate to touch base. Email Carrie Flora at cflora@som.umaryland.edu.
Read the full newsletter here….November-December 2014
Have a great October. Hope to see you at our Trailblazer event!
MD H2E Staff:
Joan, Louise, Gina, Carrie, Tarah
The latest issue of MD H2E’s news roundup is available for download HERE.
In this September issue, you will find:
If you have any ideas or requests for newsletter articles, please email Carrie Flora at cflora@som.umaryland.edu