Welcome to the MDH2E June 2013 News Roundup! In this edition, read about:
- MD H2E’s new location: update those address books!
- Plus more announcements from MD H2E
- A reflection by Lionel Weeks, green leader from LifeBridge Health (congratulations on your retirement, Lionel!)
- MD H2E’s Earth Day photo contest winners: Holy Cross Hospital and MedStar Montgomery Medical Center
- Copper surfaces bring down infection rates 60%
- A prescription for energy efficiency
- Union Hospital’s Holly Emmons wins national food award
- Sustainable Food Updates
- And more
Hope you enjoy, and remember to send us your questions/comments/stories/pictures!
Newsletter link: http://mdh2e.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/MDH2E-June-2013-News-Roundup.pdf