MD H2E 2011 Trailblazer Awards

The Trailblazer Awards, administered by Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (MD H2E), are awarded to hospitals that are leading the way with a specific sustainable practice or philosophy that other hospitals can replicate.

Please do not submit a list of environmental best practices; rather, the awards will recognize a specific practice or philosophy implemented at a hospital that is truly blazing the trail.

Any hospital, system, or health care facility in Maryland is welcome to apply!

Each award winner will be presented with a Trailblazer Award at MD H2E’s November 10th conference, Environmental Excellence in Health Care: Measuring Success. In addition, the award winners will be featured in an MD H2E press release.

For more information and to download the Trailblazer Award Guidelines and Application go to:

The deadline to apply for the Trailblazer Awards is September 2nd.