We are happy to work with the new leadership in 2015!


Chair: Rachel DeMunda, Director, Safety and Environmental Health Services, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Vice Chair: Lisa Grubb, Director of Quality Management, Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Secretary: Kevin Mell, Vice President, Operations, MedStar Montgomery Medical Center

Immediate Past Chair: Mike Forthman, VP Facilities and Support Services, GBMC


Work Groups

Membership: Karen Grant, Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer, Springfield Hospital Center

Education: Randy Komenski, Director, Clinical Transformation and Clinical Business Operations/Safety Officer, Bon Secours Baltimore Health System

Advocacy: Steve Band, Director, Division of Pediatric Psychology and Neuropsychology, Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital and Rebecca Rehr, Public Health Advocacy Coordinator, Maryland Environmental Health Network

Best Management Practices: Joan Plisko, Director, Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment

Greener Purchasing: Colleen Cusick, Director, Materials Management, The Johns Hopkins Hospital


Health Care Sustainability Leadership Council (HCSLC)

Launched in 2011, the Maryland Health Care Sustainability Leadership Council is a volunteer organization comprised of health care providers who are leading environmental sustainability efforts across Maryland’s hospitals and health care facilities. The mission of the Maryland Health Care Sustainability Leadership Council is to foster environmentally conscious health care facilities that engage, educate, inspire and advocate for social responsibility in their leaders, employees, patients, and the wider community. Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment facilitates the operation of the MD HCSLC.

Benefits of being part of the HCSLC include:
• Engage, network, share, and learn from peers;
• Create and participate in collaborative efforts and campaigns;
• Assess, develop, and benchmark sustainability goals and programs; and
• Leverage the commonalities among health care facilities to generate reduced costs and improved environmental and health outcomes.

There is a seat at the table for every hospital, health system, and health care provider in Maryland!

For more information, contact Joan Plisko at jplisko@som.umaryland.edu