Trailblazer Education Series


Anne Arundel Medical Center

April 27th, 11:30 am-1:30 pm

AAMC is a national leader in greening its surgical services operation! AAMC replaced operating room surgical lights with LEDs and started a program to move from disposable single use medical devices to reprocessed ones. The hospital started a surgical services recycling program and took additional steps to reduce the amount of operating room waste. At this informative event, experts from Practice Greenhealth’s Greening the OR program will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.


Lunch will be offered at 11:30, which attendees are invited to enjoy during the program, beginning promptly at 11:45

  • Introduction to Trailblazer Series, Molly Englund
    Communications Coordinator, Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment
  • Welcome to AAHS, Tori Bayless
    President and CEO, Anne Arundel Health Systems
  • The Beginnings of Greening the Surgical Services, Katie Boston
    Former Senior Director of Surgical Services, Anne Arundel Medical Center
  • Waste Segregation, Olive Murray
    Operating Room Staff Nurse, Anne Arundel Medical Center
  • Reprocessing Surgical Devices, Amy Barnes
    Account Manager, Stryker
  • Toxin and Energy Reduction, Charlotte Wallace
    Sustainability Manager, Anne Arundel Medical Center
  • National Trends and What’s to Come, Kaeleigh Sheehan
    Project Manager, Practice Greenhealth

Anne Arundel Medical Center
2001 Medical Parkway, Annapolis, Maryland 21401

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